School Profile
With a current enrollment of approximately 712 students, Kealakehe Intermediate School is home to students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade in the North Kona Complex Area of West Hawaii. Other complex area schools include our feeder schools, Kealakehe Elementary, Holualoa Elementary and Kahakai Elementary, as well as Kealakehe High School.
Average Class Size: 25 students
Adult to Student ratio on campus: 1 to 7
Electives Available to students include: Chorus and Ukulele, Guidance and Personal Development, Drama, Health, Band, Exploring New Languages, Physical Education, Health Education, Art, Intro to Computers, and Media.
Kealakehe Intermediate School is located at about the 500 foot elevation on the slopes of Hualalai Mountain, about 4 miles to the coast as a bird flies, and about a five minute drive from downtown Kailua-Kona.
Kailua-Kona has a population of approximately 12,000 according to the 2010 United States Census, and has a diverse population including members of many ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Kealakehe Intermediate Vision
Relationships are the heart of all learning.
Kealakehe Intermediate Mission
The mission of Kealakehe Intermediate School is to guide all students across their bridge to success by providing them with the support and skills they will need to live in an ever-changing world.
DOE Mission
We serve our community by developing the academic achievement, character, and social-emotional well-being of our students to the fullest potential. We work with partners, families, and communities to ensure that all students reach their aspirations from early learning through college, career, and citizenship.
DOE Vision
Hawai'i's students are educated, healthy, and joyful lifelong learners who contribute positively to our community and global society.
DOE Goals
Hawaii's citizens and community leaders place a high priority on quality K-12 education. The Board of Education and Superintendent of the Department of Education advance this commitment toward excellence by fostering student achievement, school improvement, and community involvement in education based on higher expectations and challenging standards.
The vision guiding public schools
1. Holds high expectations of what students should know, be able to do and care about doing;
2. Focuses attention, effort and resources on promoting student learning; and
3. Holds each school accountable for meeting high levels of performance.
BOE Mission
The mission of the Hawaii State Board of Education is to promote excellence and equity in Hawaii’s public schools and enable all students to meet their own unique and varied potentials.
BOE Vision
Hawaii’s public schools are institutions of learning that parents want their children to attend and students want to attend. All schools, regardless of size, are safe, nurturing learning communities where members work together and all students achieve high academic standards and become contributing members of society.